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St John the Baptist Boys National School, Old Road, Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

Junior Entrepreneur Programme

30th Jan 2017

Junior Entrepreneur Programme at St John the Baptist BNS

The Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) is a unique programme which has an alumni of 26,500 children who have created entrepreneurial businesses in their classrooms in Ireland.
Every child proposes an idea and during the 12-16 week programme one is selected as the class business. Each child invests a small amount of capital in the business and receives their share of the profits. It’s not just a business plan, but a real business conceived from scratch with real products and services and real customers who pay for what is produced. It all comes together at the Junior Entrepreneur School Showcase Day.
At St John the Baptist BNS, the 6th class boys, under the guidance of class teacher Mr Pat Molloy, divided into groups and then showcased their ideas to visiting Dragons who eventually chose two groups to go forward to the JEP Showcase Day. Group One named themselves Money Makerz and their product is called Handle Buddies. The second group called themselves Illuminati Dollar Bills and they designed their own colouring books. The two groups will combine their products to create a fun activity pack for children. Sixth class will now spend the next few weeks getting their product ready for sale.