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St John the Baptist Boys National School, Old Road, Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

Éanna Ní Lamhna visits our school

11th Feb 2015
Éanna Ní Lamhna visits our school

St John the Baptist BNS was delighted to welcome RTÉ personality and wildlife expert Éanna Ní Lamhna to school recently.  Éanna visited all nine classrooms as part of the Heritage in Schools scheme.  She is one of 175 heritage experts who visit schools to work with pupils in the areas of science, history and geography. 


The boys were spellbound as she regaled them with wildlife stories in her very inimitable style.  Tales of birds, bats, spiders, insects, squirrels, mice and insects were to the fore as Éanna packed a huge amount of information into each class session. 


The school has adapted Ní Lamhna’s book, “Wild Things At School” as part of its Science policy.  The basis for the book’s publication was a statement by the broadcaster where she argued that children should learn “[even] three plants and animals each year”.


Her passion for, and knowledge of, all things “wild” was very evident and the boys had no shortage of questions  to test her expertise.   Sixth class pupils Alex Dunne and Mark Keane interviewed Éanna at the end of the dayand you can listen to their interview on the school’s revamped website @