Access Keys:

St John the Baptist Boys National School, Old Road, Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland


21st Aug 2020

This document is best viewed by downloading the PDF attached at the end of this page.  A shorter document summarising the key points will be issued to classes next week.  Thank you. Will Ryan



School Profile

  • Approximately 290 pupils - all boys 
  • 11 Mainstream classes & 1 Special Class (Seomra na Rí)
  • 7 Special Education Teachers
  • 1 Shared SET with Tankardstown NS  (1 day a week - Tuesday)
  • 1 Shared SET with girls’ school (45 mins twice a week)
  • 1 English As Additional Language (EAL) teacher
  • Administrative Principal
  • 7 full time SNAs (includes 2 in Seomra na Rí)
  • 2 shared secretaries 
  • 1 shared caretaker
  • 3 Cleaners

Challenges of re-opening

  • A number of classes with 30 plus pupils 
  • 1 mainstream class in an SET room
  • Only 5 SET rooms available for 8 SETs
  • Lack of on-site parking & drop off zones for parents/guardians
  • Arrival & dismissal times with three schools on campus
  • Large extension building project to potentially commence later in the school year  

Update on works completed over the summer months  

  1. Repair of concrete footpath at main entry to school. 
  2. Reception window created into the office between main external automatic doors and internal doors.  An essential component of preparing the school for our community’s return to school.  
  3. Marmoleum floor covering in room 4 (Rang 1) & room 9 (Rang 3)
  4. Installation of new sink in small classroom (Room 8 Ms Quinn’s Rang 4)
  5. Corridors painted 
  6. Integrated Fire (Life) Safety system installed (all three schools) with Summer Works grant funded by the DES.  
  7. Confirmation received from the DES in August that we can move towards the next stage of our major building project.  2 ASD classes, 2 mainstream classes (and the parking!) has now moved towards the detailed design/tender stage.

Human resources allocated through additional funding from DES

  • Aide to help caretaker with return to school arrangements - 2 days
  • Deputy Principal – 10 Leadership and Administration Days
  • Access to limited supply panel for teacher absences 

NEW PPE, consumables & equipment purchased 

  • Hand sanitiser station at each entry/exit point
  • Hand sanitiser station in each room
  • Soap dispenser in each toilet 
  • Z-fold paper towels and dispenser in each toilet
  • Pedal bins in each toilet and classroom
  • Centrefeed Blue Roll in each teaching area
  • Visor for each staff member
  • Disposable aprons/masks/overshoes available as required
  • Food safe antibacterial sanitiser spray in each teaching area 
  • Signage - outlining signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and to support good hand & respiratory hygiene

Reopening dates - Senior Infants to Rang 6 

Each class will have ONE day induction (Tuesday or Weds or Thurs) 

Rang 2 and Rang 6 ONLY on Tuesday 1 September.  These pupils then return to school on Friday.  

Rang 1, Rang 3 and Rang 4 ONLY on Wednesday 2 September.  These pupils then return to school on Friday.  

Senior Infants and Rang 5 ONLY on Thursday 3 September & return again to school on Friday.  

(Seomra na Rí pupils will return the same day as their mainstream class) 


Reopening dates - Junior Infants 

Junior Infants @ 10am until 12pm from Tuesday 1 September to Friday 11 September inclusive.  

Note that Junior Infants are in every day & that special arrangements will be put in place for the first day.  This will be communicated directly to Junior Infant parents.    

From Monday 14 September, Junior Infants will be in school to 2pm each day. 


Revised school hours (including dropoff and collection arrangements)

9.20am-2pm - Junior Infants* & Senior Infants 

(*See previous section for Junior Infant times for the first two weeks) 

9.20am-2.15pm 1st class (Reviewed at Halloween mid-term)

9.20am-2.45pm 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes

9.20am-3pm 5th and 6th classes

To help with reducing the amount of traffic around the school gates, children are asked to walk/cycle/scoot to school if it is at all possible.  This system will apply rain, hail or shine so please make sure that your child comes to school prepared for the weather!

Dropoff in the morning

The children may not come onto the school grounds before 9am under any circumstances to minimise risk, and to help us to maintain physical distancing within our class bubbles on school property.  From 9am, children ONLY are to enter the school grounds (Junior Infant parents will be permitted onto the grounds for the first two weeks only) 

As a further precaution, families are requested to stagger their arrival based on the information below.  


9.00-9.10am - Families with a surname from A-L

9.10-9.20am - Families with a surname from M-Z

The children will enter (and leave) the building through FOUR entrance/exit points and go straight to their classroom.


Entry Doors (colour coded):

Room 1 Junior Infants (Mrs Alison Laffan) - Main door (Door A)

Room 8 Fourth Class (Ms Miriam Quinn) - Main door (Door A)

Room 2 Junior & Senior Infants (Ms Sinéad Kelly) - Fire door into Room 2 close to main door (Door B)

Room 3 Senior Infants (Mr Declan Colbert) - Outside door at top end of the school near top gate (Door C)

Room 4 First Class (Mrs Bríd Callanan) - Outside door at top end of the school near top gate (Door C)

Room 5 Second Class (Mrs Kathleen Bane) - Outside door at top end of the school near top gate (Door C)

Room 9 Third Class (Ms Jennie O’Farrell) - Outside door at senior end of the school 

(Door D)

Room 10 Fifth Class (Ms Rebecca Curry) - Outside door at senior end of the school 

(Door D)

Room 11 Sixth Class (Mr Laurence Coskeran) - Outside door at senior end of the school (Door D)

Room 12 Fourth Class (Mr Pat Molloy) - Outside door at senior end of the school (Door D)

Room 13 Fifth Class (Ms Caitríona Crosse) - Outside door at senior end of the door (Door D)

SEOMRA NA RÍ pupils (Ms Mary Griffin) - Main Door (Door A)

All teachers & SNAs will be in school at 9am as part of our Covid response.  This arrangement will be reviewed just before the October mid-term break.  

A morning supervision timetable will be in place.  

Staff members (including class teachers, Special Education Teachers, SNAs and the Principal) will be available outside and inside the building to receive the children and to help them to their classrooms.

Remember, children will go directly to their classrooms on arrival. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Collection in the afternoon 


Junior Infants collected at 12pm until Friday 11 September & then at 2pm from Monday 14 September onwards

Senior Infants collected at 2pm

1st class at 2.15pm until the October mid-term break (To be reviewed before mid-term)

2nd, 3rd & 4th classes at 2.45pm

5th and 6th classes at 3pm


Exit doors:  

Children will leave the school by the door they entered. 

Please note that it will not be possible for parents/guardians to come onto the school grounds after school other than those of pupils from Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First Class &, if necessary, Seomra na Rí.  These parents will be asked to wait to collect their son(s) in the appropriate physically-distanced marked area.


Staggered breaktimes

Breaks will be staggered & pupils will remain within their class bubbles during breaks.  We have six separate & distinct spaces that the boys will play in outside.  

10.50-11.10am (BREAK 1)

11.20am-11.40am (BREAK 1)

12.30-12.50pm (BREAK 2)

1pm-1.20pm (BREAK 2)

Junior Infants (Space 1)

Third Class (Space 1)

Junior & Senior Infants (Space 2)

Fourth Class (Space 2)

Senior Infants (Space 3)

Fourth Class (Space 3)

First Class (Space 4)

Fifth Class (Space 4)

Second Class (Space 5)

Fifth Class (Space 5)


Sixth Class (Space 6)


Yard supervision 

A rota will be organised based on Class Bubbles and the SETs allocated to those classes.

Class teachers -  Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First, Second and SETs allocated to those classes to work together.

Class teachers - Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Classes and SETs allocated to those classes to work together.

Changes to classroom and school layout and to school routines

The DES guidelines recognise that a common-sense approach is needed in our primary schools. To that end, every effort will be made to limit interaction within classrooms, to limit contact between class groups and to limit the sharing of common facilities.

The children and their teachers will work in class bubbles.  A class bubble is a grouping which stays apart from other classes as much as possible. The aim of the system within the school is that class groupings mix only with their own class from arrival at school in the morning until the children go home at the end of the school day.

Junior Infants to Second Class

It is recognised that younger children are unlikely to maintain physical distance indoors so there is no requirement for children from Junior Infants to Second Class to maintain a physical distance within their class bubble.  They will, however, be in pods/groups as is normal in a younger class setting.  These pods will change at least monthly or earlier if deemed necessary by the class teacher.

Third Class to Sixth Class

Children from Third Class to Sixth Class will be arranged in pods within their class bubbles, with a maximum of 6 pupils per pod. As far as possible, each pod will be at least 1 metre distance from the next pod. All furniture deemed unnecessary will be removed from these classrooms to create as much space as possible. These pods will change at least monthly or earlier if deemed necessary by the class teacher.

General Purpose (GP) Room

The GP Room will  not be used for assemblies. 

PE will be outdoors as much as is possible and practical.  We will review indoor PE as the term progresses. 

If & when required, the GP hall will be our COVID-19 isolation area/sick bay.  



There will be no daily assembly in the school halla.  Daily and/or weekly school assemblies will be held via Zoom.  


We will observe our usual practice of keeping to the left when walking on the corridors.  There will be signs on the corridor floors to assist/remind.

Briefly passing someone in a hall is unlikely to contribute significantly to the spread of infection if people do not have physical contact and avoid informal group discussions.

Additional measures to limit interactions

Children will go straight to their classrooms from the yard and will not congregate in the corridors.

While we will all be delighted to see each other again, hand shaking and hugging will not be allowed.

Doors and Windows

To ensure that classrooms are well ventilated, windows must be kept open as much as possible, and will be opened while children are taking breaks in the playground.

Windows should be opened when children are singing as a group, or when they are playing musical instruments.

Where practical, all internal doors will be left open to minimise hand contact with common surfaces.

School bags 

All books, copies and stationery as per book list must be brought in your son’s school bag on their first day back.  All these items will be left in school.  School bags must not be brought into school from your son’s second day onwards until further notice.          


Parents/guardians must make sure that children bring their lunches to school to avoid adults having to come to the school during the day. Please remind your children not to share their food or drinks with other children.

Children will eat their lunches at their desks, as per our usual practice.  Lunchboxes and water bottles are permissible but must be washed thoroughly every evening.


Books, Copies, Pencils, etc.

Children must use their own books, pens, pencils, etc. and must not share with other pupils.  All of your son’s items must be labelled.  

Children will be asked to leave their pencil case (where applicable) in school on the first day.

If teachers lend pencils etc to a pupil, they will need to be wiped down upon return. 

Coats and Toilets

Individual class arrangements will be put in place regarding the procedures for storing coats.  Children can, if required, collect their coats in their pods/groups.  

Individual class arrangements will be put in place regarding the procedures for going to the toilet.  Maximum of two from the same pod in the toilet at any one time.  


NO physical homework during September. Will be reviewed during the month.  However, we will be exploring different online learning platforms (e.g. Class Dojo/SeeSaw/Google Classroom) during the month and some online activities will be assigned for home.  It is vital that we have a plan ‘B’ in place locally if the return to school plan changes over the coming weeks and months.  



According to health advice provided by the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre there is no health issue regarding the wearing of school uniforms. Therefore, our existing school policy will apply.

Pupils in Infants, First Class and Second Class will wear school tracksuit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will wear grey uniform on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Pupils in Third Class, Fourth Class, Fifth Class and Sixth Class will wear grey uniform on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will wear tracksuit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

As a school we strongly advise that children should wear their school uniforms or tracksuits only for school-related activities.  Uniforms or tracksuits should be taken off straight after the child arrives home for the day.  We recommend that uniforms are washed regularly.  

Teaching and Learning

As a staff, we are very aware that the children have been away from school since 12 March. We appreciate the time and effort that went into home learning, and we recognise the challenges that home learning presented for all families.

Each child will be a different place in relation to his learning, and we wish to assure you that staff will take that into consideration when planning for teaching and learning during the 2020/2021 school year.

The Department of Education and Skills has published curriculum guidelines for us, and we ask you to trust our experience and professional expertise as we work with all the children during the return to school.

Team Teaching/Special Education Teachers/Special Needs Assistants


  • Staff members (particularly SETs and SNAs) can move between areas/classes but this will be minimised where possible. When rotation occurs, agreed sanitising routines will be observed.
  • In keeping with our Special Education policy, special education teaching will be provided by a blended approach of in-class support and withdrawal. The provision of support will be organised to ensure our support teachers will work as far as possible, within the confines of a bubble.
  • Where a support teacher is working alongside a class teacher in a classroom, both teachers must be mindful of maintaining 2m physical distance from one another.  If not possible, the teachers must wear a mask/face covering.  
  • The tables and chairs in SET rooms will be wiped clean in between different pupils or small groups attending.


A timetable will be drawn up for the use of common ICTs. Devices should be cleaned after every use and before they are returned to the charging trolley.  A new set of 18 ipads (1 device between every two pupils) has been purchased for deployment across all classes this year.  

Office & visiting the school 

A new window has been installed to the office where visitors/parents can do the majority of their business.  

A contactless payment system has been set up to minimise the amount of cash that needs to be handled. Parents/Guardians are asked to co-operate in helping to keep school staff safe by arranging for contactless payments through the school office.  Details to follow.

Children will not be sent to the office or to the reception area to deliver messages or if sick.

Staff members (apart from the Principals/DPs) will not enter the office area and will speak with office staff at the office internal window.  The Principals and Deputy Principals will only enter the office where necessary.    


Any staff member who uses the photocopier must clean it down after use with the wipes and/or anti-bacterial spray provided.

Visiting Teachers/Coaches

The possibility of facilitating extra-curricular activities will be explored in time. However, for now it is not recommended that children from different bubbles would participate in extra-curricular activities at the same time, for example, during music lessons/GAA training/Athletics. 

Physical Education and P.E. Equipment

Physical Education lessons will take place outside when the weather allows.

Staff members and pupils may take additional breaks outside during the school day. All classes are encouraged to participate in ‘The Daily Mile’.

Shared equipment must be cleaned between uses.  

Substitute Teachers and SNAs

A copy of the Covid-19 response plan will be provided to each substitute teacher/SNA. Substitutes will be required to complete a pre-return to the workplace form before they enter a classroom and will be asked to confirm that they have engaged in the online Induction training.

Parent & Teacher Meetings

Parent/Teacher Meetings usually held in November may take place via phone/Zoom or be postponed. We will assess the situation closer to the time.  

We advise that the vast majority of communication between staff and parents will take place via email (email list will be provided) or telephone.  

Staffroom & staff meetings

All staff members should maintain a physical distance of 2 metres when they are not engaged in teaching e.g. when they are using the staffroom and arriving to work. If 2m cannot be maintained in staff groups, face coverings must be worn.

Staff meetings will be held remotely or in small groups or in large spaces to facilitate physical distancing.

Staff members must bring their own cups, bottles, cutlery, etc. to school and avoid sharing utensils in the staffroom as far as possible.  Arrangements for staffroom to be finalised.  

Masks & Gloves

The children are not required to wear masks or face coverings.

It is now recommended that teachers and other school staff wear face coverings, similar to those worn in shops or on public transport when a physical distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.  A visor will be provided for each staff member.  

There is no need for the children to wear disposable gloves. They are considered inappropriate under the guidelines.

Staff members do not need to wear disposable gloves unless they are looking after a pupil’s intimate care needs or administering First Aid.

There will be an emphasis on hand hygiene rather than on the wearing of disposable gloves.

Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Staff members are not required to wear PPE. However, for a limited number of staff, PPE will need to be used occasionally or constantly due to the nature of certain work activities or work areas. This might include roles such as:

  • Assisting with intimate care needs
  • Where a suspected case of COVID-19 is identified while the school is in operation
  • Where staff are particularly vulnerable to infection but are not on the list of those categorised as people in very high-risk groups or may be living with those who are in the very high-risk category.
  • When staff members have to move between classrooms to support children with learning needs.


Appropriate PPE will be available for dealing with suspected COVID-19 cases, intimate care needs and for first aid. Where staff provide healthcare to children with medical needs in the school environment, they will apply standard precautions as per usual.

Hygiene and Cleaning

Sanitiser dispensers have been installed throughout the school e.g. at each entrance, in each classroom.

Paper towels and soap dispensers are available in all toilets and in the sinks at the back of the classrooms.  Blue paper roll dispensers will also be provided.   

Hand hygiene will be promoted and encouraged, and parents/guardians are asked to support the school in reinforcing this message.

In accordance with the DES guidelines, the school will be thoroughly cleaned at least once per day.  We are increasing the number of cleaners and their hours of work. Particular attention will be focused on frequently touched surfaces – door handles, handrails, chairs/arm rests, communal eating areas, sink and toilet facilities.

All staff will have access to cleaning products and will be required to maintain cleanliness of their own work area. Under no circumstances should these cleaning materials be removed from the building to help curb any potential spread of the disease. Staff should thoroughly clean and disinfect their work area before and after use each day.

Waste will be collected regularly from offices and other areas within the school.

Staff must use and clean their own equipment and utensils (cup, cutlery, plate etc.)

Supporting the Learning of Children who Cannot Attend School

If a child is not able to attend school for an extended period of time, the class teacher (and/or the Special Education Teacher, where relevant) will provide work to support the child’s learning at home and this will be shared with parents/guardians.

The majority of parents have already provided an email address at which the school can contact them to support Home Learning. This will be especially important if the school, or parts of the school have to close due to HSE advice. Parents/Guardians, if you have not already done so, please email and you will be added to the Contact List for Home Learning.

Supporting pupils at “very high risk” of COVID-19  

As per DES guidance:  “The Department is conscious that there may be some pupils for whom return to school at the end of August may not be appropriate because the relevant public health guidelines indicate they are at “very high risk”.  

Responsibility to ensure that these pupils receive appropriate support to engage adequately with learning remains with each school. 

Good communication is key to supporting these pupils and to ensure their ongoing connection with their classmates and school community.  

Additional supports will be provided for these pupils/students through designated teachers from within the staffing resources of the school. Schools will have discretion to manage and redistribute their teaching support resources in order to best meet the learning needs of their pupils/students, including pupils/students at ‘very high risk’ to COVID-19. 

Under the direction of the School Principal the designated teacher should:  • Liaise with the class teacher and special education teacher on relevant curricular content and classwork;     • Access relevant learning resources; • Provide the pupil/student with individualised support for his/her learning; • Increase the pupil/student autonomy, motivation, agency and wellbeing; • Improve the pupil/student capacity to be become a self-directed learner; • Support the development of the pupil/student digital competency; • Avail of the communication/learning platform used by the school to ensure ongoing contact with classmates and class teacher.  

Wellbeing of the School Community

We will work on the recommended five principles to support the wellbeing of all our pupils and staff. These are promoting:

  • A sense of safety
  • A sense of calm
  • A sense of belonging and connectedness to school
  • A sense of self-efficacy and school-community efficacy
  • A sense of hope

Our usual practice is to provide support to pupils based on what is known as the Continuum of Support. This is a tiered system that provides Whole School and Classroom Support for all pupils, additional School Support for some pupils, and School Support plus extra targeted intervention for a few pupils with complex needs.

Illness and Dealing with a Suspected Case of COVID-19

We love to see all of our boys at school every day. However, under the current circumstances, parents/guardians must keep children at home if they display any Covid-19 Symptoms.

Staff must not attend school if they display any symptoms.

A designated isolation area has been created in the GP room.  

If a staff member/pupil displays symptoms of COVID-19 while at school, the following procedure will be implemented:

  • The pupil will be accompanied to the isolation area. A distance of 2 meters will be maintained.  The person accompanying the child must also wear a face covering.
  • If a pupil has a suspected case, parents/guardians will be contacted immediately by telephone. To help us in this regard, parents/guardians are asked to make sure that their contact details are kept up to date at all times.
  • Staff members who are symptomatic should immediately inform the Principal/Deputy Principal and go to the isolation area.
  • A face covering will be provided to the staff member/child who is symptomatic.
  • The staff member or child who is symptomatic should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects.
  • If the staff member/child is well enough to go home, arrangements will be made for them to be transported home by a family member, as soon as possible.
  • Anyone who is symptomatic is advised to inform their general practitioner by phone of their symptoms. Public transport of any kind should not be used to travel home.
  • If the staff member/child is too unwell to go home or advice is required, the school will contact 999 or 112 and inform them that the sick person is a suspected case of Covid 19. 
  • The isolation area and work areas will be thoroughly cleaned in line with the guidelines.
  • The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed and staff and pupil confidentiality is essential at all times.
  • It is important to remember that any of us can get sick or unwell, and if we do, we need understanding and support from those around us. It is essential that anyone who feels unwell makes that known to the Principal/Deputy Principal as soon as possible.

COVID-19 Related Absence Management

COVID-19 related absences will be managed in line with agreed procedures with the Department of Education. Circular 0049/2020 - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants

Teacher or SNA Absence and Substitution

If a teacher/SNA is unable to attend school, every effort will be made to secure a substitute teacher/SNA for the class/pupil. If a substitute teacher/SNA is not available, it is not appropriate for the class/pupil to be divided into groups and accommodated in other classes. In such circumstances, it may not be possible for the class/pupil to attend on that day. If that is the case, as much notice as possible will be given to parents.

Employee Assistance and Wellbeing Programme

Support for school staff wellbeing will be provided by Department Support Services including the PDST and CSL, as well as by the HSE’s Health Promotion Team.

An Occupational Health Strategy is in place as a supportive resource for staff in schools. The aim of the Occupational Health Strategy is to promote the health and wellbeing of employees in the workplace, with a strong focus on prevention.

The Occupational Health Strategy comprises the Employee Assistance Service and the Occupational Health Service. The Employee Assistance Service (EAS) is provided by Spectrum Life under the logo of ‘Wellbeing Together: Folláinne Le Chéile’.

 A free-phone confidential helpline 1800 411 057 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and staff members are encouraged to make use of the service when the need arises.