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St John the Baptist Boys National School, Old Road, Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland

News Nuacht

2015/2016 School Year

20th May 2016
Happy Birthday to Cian and Alan who both celebrated their birthday on the 19th!
20th May 2016
The Nagle Centre held their annual table quiz on Thursday. It was a great event...
17th May 2016
Congratulations to sixth class boys Cathal Quinn and Ross Minogue who have both...
17th May 2016
Oisin from second class was delighted to show his classmates clothes from Ethiopia....
13th May 2016
Congratulations to all the boys who participated in a blitz in Clonmel on a lovely...
13th May 2016
The Book fair has opened in our school and Clifford the dog visited the boys today...
13th May 2016
Rhythm Gupta finished in first class today as his family is leaving Cashel and moving...
13th May 2016
Filip was delighted to get pencil of the week and Luke had really good handwriting!
10th May 2016
Mr McCarty's boys enjoying making their 3D shapes from their self made dough. The...
8th May 2016
Congratulations to class teacher Mr O' Heney and SNA Mrs Ryan and the second class...